Turbo Navigator v1.46 Copyright © 1999-2001 Marko Vodopija www.TurboNavigator.com DONATE.TXT file CONTENTS 1. PLEASE CONSIDER DONATING 2. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. PLEASE CONSIDER DONATING To say at first, this program is completely free and you would never have to pay a dime for using it. I decided to put TN as freeware because, as a student, I understand that not everyone can afford buying every software they like or want to use. If I put it as shareware, I would, most probably, scare away some of the users and other would soon forgot all about it as just another file manager and this is not what I intended for it to be. But if you think it's not expensive to built such an application, believe me, it is! Not only I have to upgrade my computer now and then so I can work more efficiently but I have to buy development software and other accessories needed for my work. And most importantly, my phone bills are sky high when I have to update new TN version. If this software helps you in every day work and you find it useful I would invite you to make voluntary donation of the amount selected by you to help me in future development of this application. I will say again, if you do not want to or can' afford to donate, you don't have to and I will be happy if you just use my application. If, in another hand, you decide to contribute, you can wrap your donation in a piece of paper and send it to: Marko Vodopija 2. Barutanski ogranak 7 10000, Zagreb Croatia It would be nice if you can write your e-mail on that piece of paper so I can reply to you and say thanks. Once again, you don't have to pay anything to use this application. This is completely volunteer gesture. Thank you for your consideration, Marko Vodopija 2. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION If my home address looks strange here is all the info so you can construct proper formatting: Name: Marko Vodopija Home address: 2. Barutanski ogranak 7 City: Zagreb Zip/Postal code: 10000 Country: Croatia Thank you once again for consideration.